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Fifth Day in Maui: April 5, 2001 (click on a picture to view it full size)
  Our fifth day in Maui was a long one; an all day tour of Oahu. We started out by flying from Kahului into Honolulu, a 45 minute flight. We had to get up at 4 AM to get ready and drive over to the airport, so after the Tour of the Stars on the previous night, Steph and Dave were pooped.

When we got to Oahu, we went first to the USS Arizona memorial. This monument is in memory of the people lost (Navy, Marines, Army, and civilian) in the attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. A pretty traumatic event in the collective memory of the United States, and an event that has really shaped the modern power and political structure of the world.

The USS Arizona Memorial
Arizona Memorial Memorial Wall
of Killed in Action

USS Missouri

This battleship served in WW2, Korean, Vietnam, and Desert Storm, and is now retired. The Navy donated it to the USS Missouri Historical Society, who runs the tours of it. It is a huge ship that shows what naval warfare used to be like before the Aircraft Carrier took the front seat.
5 inch guns Steph in the
spotting room
Dave in the shade
of the main guns
Dave & Steph
in the CIC
Viola manning the Con Main guns View from the top

Oahu Touri

After the USS Arizona and USS Missouri, we got a bus tour of a large part of Oahu. Our tour guide was a big Hawaiin (350 pounds) named Garfield.
Stephanie at Waikiki On the tour bus Flight back to Kahului