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Sixth (and last) Day in Maui: April 6, 2001 (click on a picture to view it full size)
  Our last day on Maui was pretty relaxed. We slept in, then drove up the North coast to see the scenary. We stopped at hiked a little ways to check out the Nakalele blowhole. This is an incredible feat of nature where the ocean has undercut a section of the coast line, then eroded upwards a small hole to the surface. The result is that when surf comes in, it pressurizes within the undercut and then squirts upward through the blowhole.

It was pretty active when we got there, and we saw water shoot up to over a hundred feet it the air!

Dave went down close to investigate, and got a few Maui-Owies when a rougue wave breaking over the coast threw him into the lava rocks behind him, giving him an instant shower and a few lava cuts. Luckily, he was not sucked down the blowhole.

North Coast
Strange erosion patterns
in the lava
The Nakalele blowhole Hiking from the car


Viola had a flight out at 5PM, and then Dave & Steph got a hotel to shower up in before their flight out at 8PM (Dave was pretty stinky after the Blowhole incident).
At the airport At the airport Viola getting on the plane Off to Denver